Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Last Train Home

Discuss in 3 paragraphs the relationships you see among Last Train Home and The Story of Qiu Ju and Beijing Bicycle. I want you to discuss cinematically differences and similarities in how cities, migrant workers, the countryside, or relationships (between parent/child, neighbors, etc.) are portrayed on the screen. Discuss through at least three of the cinematic techniques we have covered in this course.

Beijing Bicycle

Wang Xiaoshuai's film Beijing Bicycle is ultimately a film about the effects of "modernization" in China. I'd like you to read this essay and discuss the film's narrative and what you feel is the implied meaning of the film as a whole. Choose one scene and analyze the scene fully and cinematically and tell me why you chose the scene and what is the scene's relationship to the film as a whole.

The Story of Qiu Ju

Think about the presentation of Qiu Ju and Meizi in the film. In one paragraph, discuss how both of these women are represented cinematically. In your next paragraph discuss how the countryside and the city are represented cinematically. In your last paragraph, tell me what you learned and what you liked best about the film. Include also any films or filmmakers you would compare it to. I will give extra credit to anyone who watches another film of a fifth generation director and writes one paragraph on their film of choice.